
News: ExpressionEngine

ExpressionEngine let’s us say yes to our clients

My old company developed a Content Management System (CMS) from scratch. We actually got a sizeable grant from the Australian Federal Government to develop it some more. It was a good system.

Back then there were not many, or any, decent content management systems. Most web development companies worth their salt developed their own proprietary system and added features over the years when a client project would fund additions to their system.

It was inevitable that commercial and open source systems would develop and mature - and would eventually be a viable option for a web development company. It is now, of course, a 180-degree reversal – proprietary CMS systems are largely a thing of the past and should in most cases be avoided.

Story tested and evaluated (and used and abandoned) a number of CMS systems looking to find the perfect fit for our (and our clients) needs.

Eventually, we found ExpressionEngine – ExpressionEngine is a commercial CMS product built on an Open Source foundation offering the best of both worlds. As a commercial product, EE is supported by a team of committed developers and technical support specialists.

Easy to use / Incredibly Flexible / Extensible / Mature / Supported

We do and have used, systems like Magento, Drupal, Shopify, Wordpress and many others however our go to system - our problem-solving solution -  is ExpressionEngine.

A great strength of ExpressionEngine is it places no constraints on the design of the data and any “required” layout to accommodate that data.

There is no theme market for ExpressionEngine. A design is considered, approved and adjusted and then ExpressionEngine can fit and “Shrinkwrap” around the design and add value.

There is a large, vibrant and brilliant add-on market for ExpressionEngine with a lot of brilliant add-on developers. Extending the core of what ExpressionEngine can do is easy, robust and lets a developer build what they want; how they want so the outcome for the client is the absolute best end result.

Early on, when we had just discovered ExpressionEngine, I read a quote that has always stuck in my head (sorry I can’t remember who said it)…

“ExpressionEngine lets us say yes to our clients”